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Employee FAQs

Are you looking for information to help ease your busy schedule? Do you need help understanding depression or alcohol abuse? Do want information on how to get along with a difficult co-worker?

To help you make time for what matters most, your work-life website provides online access to a wide range of resources regarding the work and life topics of interest to you and your family – all available in one convenient location. Just log on today with your EAP ID and navigate through articles, links, interactive content, money saving tools, self searches, self assessments and more.

A: Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a benefit provided to you and your dependents by your employer for short-term counseling, information and referrals, guidance and support for any type of personal issue that is impacting your workplace performance.

A. Employees can confidentiality contact the EAP directly by calling the toll-free number at any time (1-888-276-6632.) This type of contact is called a self referral and is confidential between the employee and the EAP. Your employer might, suggest you take advantage of the EAP benefit. This type of referral is called a suggested referral and is still completely confidential between the employee and the EAP. An administrative referral is an employer directed referral to the EAP. This type of referral is used to address issues that are impacting your workplace performance. Confidentiality in this type of referral is restricted by signed consent and your employer’s policies and procedures. Question about your EAP benefit can be answered by calling eviCore EAP at 1-888-276-6632

A. If you call the EAP on your own as a self or suggested referral, your individual information is protected by comprehensive State and Federal confidentiality laws. If your contact with the EAP is part of an administrative referral process, then only with your written permission will your employer receive information concerning your compliance with EAP recommendations.