People at table

Training Solutions


EviCore EAP will provide trainings in both remote and in-person formats. In person trainings may have restrictions base on current COVID-19 risk factors. For remote services, EviCore EAP can host and/or be an invited presentor to an employer arranged meeting. Contacting EviCore EAP 30 days prior to the date you are requesting will allow for the most flexible scheduling. To discuss your specific needs or schedule, call 716.712.2777 or email your request to

Custom Topic

Course Creation – Work with our corporate trainer to develop your own course to meet the specific needs of your workplace. EviCore EAP can help your organization refine their idea, identify key learning objectives, develop the course content and slide deck, and schedule the presentation for either in-person or a remote hosted event.

Contractual limitations and development costs are applicable. Not all topics are within the expertise of EviCore EAP and referrals or other recommendations may be made to assist an employer in meeting their training needs.



Emotional Well-being and COVID-19 – Employers and employees are still struggling with a wide variety of emotional difficulties as Covid-19 transitions from a pandemic to an endemic. This training will provide attendees with the support needed to help them understand and address emotional and physical wellness and guide them towards the necessary resources to help them care for themselves and their families.

Leadership Well-being Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic – Is your leadership team struggling with the challenges presented by COVID-19? This training will provide the support and insight needed to manage workplace team(s) to develop effective communication strategies for supervising in-person, hybrid, and remote employees.



Communication Skills for Professionals – Are your employees struggling with their relationships with each other? Is saying the right thing happening less, not more? This training will provide attendees with the skills to improve their communication techniques; improve their listening skills; and explain how to use words to build stronger working relationships.

Anger Management – As work demands increase; it is easy for employees to develop a pattern of communication that is more informal than professional. This training will allow employees to take the time to understand that there is value in paying attention to what they say and how they say it. Participants will be encouraged to overlook differences in communication style and instead speak and act towards each other in a way that is respectful, professional and polite. Participants will learn that being civil at work can enhance effective communication, build team collaboration and have a positive impact on overall satisfaction.

Civility and Courtesy in the Workplace – As work demands increase, it is very easy for employees to develop a pattern of communication that is not professional. This training will allow employees to take the time to understand that there is value in paying attention to what they say and how they say it. Participants will be encouraged to overlook differences in communication style and instead speak and act towards each other in a way that is respectful and polite. Participants will learn that being civil at work can enhance effective communication, build team collaboration and have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

Anger Management – What is anger, why do we feel it and what are the workplace consequences? Does the workplace feel like an angry place? Would you like it to be more peaceful? This training will help your employees improve their skills in identifying and reducing their anger, improving their relaxation skills, and reduce their need to rely on anger as a communication method at work.

Conflict Management – Employees will improve their skills at resolving conflicts by utilizing problem identification, applying assertiveness vs. aggression practices and using positive communication skills as their main skill-set, to reduce and resolve conflicts in the workplace.

Customer Service Training – This training will assist your team in improving customer service well beyond the traditional application of retail and call centers. Knowing that everyone in your workplace is a customer and understanding the value of meeting those needs, will improve the overall environment of the workplace.


Health and Wellness

Physical Activity and Mood – Physical activity is a necessary part of our daily wellness for both our physical well-being and mood management. Incorporating exercise into our daily schedules can be challenging. This training will discuss the need for exercise, some basic exercises to do at work and home and how to make exercise an integrated part of daily life.

Nutrition and Mood – What is the relationship between food and mood? Can what you eat impact how you feel? This training will discuss how food choices can influence our weight, energy, sleep and overall mood. Together we will explore how our daily diets are affecting us and how some healthy choices and simple planning can help us work towards improving our mood.

Stress Management – This seminar helps participants identify the positive and negative aspects of stress, how to identify their unique stressors; and provides healthy ways to cope with the demands of work and family while reducing the impact stress can have on our lives.


Workplace Specific

Identifying the Impaired Employee – This training is coordinated with your Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace policy to provide members of your organization with the skills, knowledge and ability to recognize and take appropriate action when encountering a suspected substance abuser in the workplace. This training requires a minimum of four contractual training hours, which will include development and presentation.

Responding to Grief and Unexpected Events in the Workplace – This training prepares managers with necessary skills to lead their employees through events that are distressing and disruptive to the workplace. Managers will have more confidence in how to respond to distressed employees by recognizing normal reactions, and how to help employees receive the support that they need.

Compassion Fatigue - Building Resiliency When Dealing with Loss – This training helps employees in helping professions, identify compassion fatigue and build the resiliency needed to ensure they maintain mental wellness while helping others resolve their difficult situations.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – New York State is requiring employers to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy and provide employees with an annual sexual harassment prevention training pursuant to Section 201-g of the Labor Law. EviCore EAP will work closely with your HR department to ensure your training on this critical topic meets the requirements set forth by NYS department of Labor. This presentation is generally in collaboration with your HR or personnel team.