Woman holding neck on phone

Employees: Telephonic Pain Management

Recognizing that chronic pain is one of the most common and costly conditions experienced by employees across all industries, EviCore EAP has specifically designed the Telephonic Pain Management Program to help assist employees cope with their symptoms on a daily basis. The Telephonic Pain Management Program is based on a biopsychosocial approach to managing pain in order to minimize its daily impact and improve function. Our exclusive program is telephone based making it flexible, convenient and effective for employees.

Our customers consistently tell us that they would like to relieve their stress; however, finding the time to come to an EAP appointment can be difficult. In order to address this concern, EviCore EAP has developed an alternative approach to traditional in-person stress management sessions. Our exclusive program is telephone based, convenient and effective. The program offers the opportunity to learn how to reduce stress and improve your quality of life.

How The Program Works

The EviCore EAP Telephonic Pain Management Program is conducted telephonically by a trained specialist.
The program is comprised of four 45 minute sessions over a four week period.
Each session introduces a research based coping mechanism for effectively managing chronic pain on a day-to-day basis.


The first coping mechanism introduced is learning how to relax using deep diaphragmatic breathing. Deep breathing is important before or during pain episodes. Relaxation is a skill that can be learned and can improve with practice. Not only will you learn why this is important, but also how to properly use this breathing technique. The trained specialist will coach you until you can do it on your own.


In the second phone call, the importance of setting SMART goals will be introduced. SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timely that aim to keep individuals focused and organized. Learning how to implement the SMART method to create, set and accomplish goals has shown to positively help with back pain. During this session, the trained specialist will learn about the likes and dislikes of the client and help develop customized goals that are achievable.


The customer’s outlook about their pain will be discussed during the third telephonic session. Together, with the trained specialist, re-occurring thoughts related to their pain experience will be explored along with how the client can adjust their negative thoughts in a more constructive manner.


The final session of the program involves feedback and the development of an action plan of moving forward.

For more information, please call EviCore EAP at 1-888-276-6632 or 716-712-2777